"You don't need to be French to have French style.
You just need to know their secrets..."
My Story
This blog and I have evolved over time. It started as an expression of food, family, home and all the things that, for me, make life special (see below). Yet I’ve also realized that as a French-born woman living in the United States, I have always been at the intersection of two cultures.
Learning to embrace them both has given me a unique point of view. The current iteration includes the understanding that being French is a state of mind: you don’t need to be French to have the French lifestyle – you just need to know their secrets. That lifestyle, the mentality that you should embrace life, be present in your day and make even the smallest things special, is accessible, to a great degree, to anyone who wants it.
Whether it is developing the habit of dressing to please yourself or enjoying the hours spent lingering at the dinner table long after a meal is finished, French-Secrets delves into the quotidian, the everyday elements of French attitude and living that can bring an essential joie de vivre to who you are and your own life.
Why write another blog about food and life style? Passion!
My Passions

Passion about my family:
“Please make this, it’s my favorite” is what my children say when requesting something for dinner. Whenever I hear it I realize that, despite what it seems, they’ve noticed and we’ve connected. The awareness that I am creating a tradition they will pass on to their family and friends, as I have passed on the way of life I grew up with, is enough to bring tears to my eyes.

Passion about Entertaining:
Planning a dinner party is one of my favorite pastimes. It feels like an adventure that I find tantalizing. I want food that tastes great and my home to be welcoming, and most of all, I want to feel the excitement in the air that comes from having fun and being surrounded by people having a great time.
Passion about cooking:
I’m not interested in creating anything over the top and I’m far too busy to fuss. Instead, I want easy and elegant, but I don’t like to play it safe. I love the risk of trying a new dish that looks incredible, especially when I’m having a party. Flirting with the possibility that the food might be great keeps me energized and having fun.
Passion about my home:
If I try something different, everything else I use is tried and true. I’ve learned how to make the simplest things look great. Dimming the lights, playing music and lighting candles help set the mood. I don’t want anything to intimidate my guests or frustrate myself.
Passion about my heritage:
I was born in France and moved to the United States with my family as a young girl. I had the privilege of growing up between two countries and assimilating into both cultures. It has given me an understanding and a joie de vivre that I am grateful for and impart in everything I do.
Passion about my writing:
I write because I’m excited and want to share my discoveries – my “wow I really made that!” moments as well the “that wasn’t such a good idea” experiences, my passions, my travels and my love of a good story. I invite you to join the journey and look forward to the ongoing banter as well as the dialogue.