Celine was a name that was synonymous with good food in my home. She was my grandmother’s cook. My mother still told me stories about watching Celine in the kitchen. Her secret, she’d say in a hushed tone, was her sauces; sauces, she’d say with emphasis, are the secret to being a great cook.
Celine didn’t just make sauces; she turned food into something you looked forward to. She understood that the meal really started with the aroma of the food simmering on the stove. She’d plan the food so it would build to a crescendo and conclude with the perfect sweet. But the end only really happened when the coffee was served and we’d relax and let the banter and laughter continue as we sat, enchanted by the pleasures we’d just consumed.
Celine knew that if the food was good, the conversation would follow. She knew she was not just creating food to nourish us. She was participating in creating a way of life.
Celine’s job was to cook, but her legacy was passion. She focused on food with the understanding that it would bring people together. She knew how important that was and loved the fact that she affected our lives with the food we ate and the relationships that were nurtured.
How could you not be thankful for that kind of love?
*originally posted 11-7-2019
Here Is What's Happening
Cooking Class:
Location: Albano Appliance, 83 Westchester Ave, Pound Ridge, NY 10576
Price per class: $75.00
November 3, 2022 6-8 pm
Flour-based sauces
When fat (butter) and flour are combined with heat, something magical happens—it’s called a roux. That flour-butter mixture is an integral part of many dishes we make. This demo will show you how to transform a basic roux into a bechamel or a sauce velouté. and then how to make delicious meals.
Mac and Cheese
Pasta sauce
Chicken pot pie
November 10, 2022 6-8 pm
Butter-based sauces
Butter is a workhorse in the kitchen, among other things, it makes food taste better. Its versatility allows it to be an essential part of many great sauces.
Learn how to make butter-based sauces that will enhance the taste of your food.
Hollandaise sauce
Mousseline sauce
Burt butter sauce
Beurre blanc sauce
Don't Miss Out

Le Kitchen Cookbook
A Workbook
Everything you need to know to be a good cook.
by Adeline M. Olmer
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xox Merci
