Over the holidays when our kitchen was super busy, our kitchen faucet broke. It was annoying, but not debilitating. At one point we were washing dishes in our upstairs laundry room. Mark ordered replacement parts and after a few hours of struggling and a long call with Kohler, he realized they had sent him the wrong part. After apologizing, they promised to expedite the correct part. And when it finally arrived there were still issues. At that point, Mark decided to call in the expert—Michael, our handyman, who seems to know how to do everything and usually is able to save the day. This time the conclusion was that we needed to order a completely new kitchen faucet. Kohler came back to the rescue and helped Mark select the right one and promised, once again, to expedite it. This time, when it arrived, Michael had already been called to install it—he did and our kitchen was operational again. But the interesting part of the story was discovering that Michael was an avid cook. I mentioned that I also was an ardent cook and that I had recently published a cookbook. We briefly chatted about recipes and he was off. When he returned for the final fix, he mentioned that he had made an apple pie recipe that was really great and that since I liked to cook, I might enjoy it. The crust, he said, was made with cream cheese similar to the dough Rugelach is made with. You fill the crust with chunks of pealed apple chunks and bake the pie until the crust and the apples are cooked through. While the pie is cooking you make a vanilla pudding and let it cool. Once the pie is finished, pour the pudding over the apples and serve. “Amazingly good,” he said. I love the fact that he came in, and because he knew I love good food, he shared this recipe, knowing that I would enjoy it. How nice is that! I haven’t tried the recipe yet, but because of his enthusiasm I will. The thing about recipes that are not exact is that you have to use your imagination, your knowledge, and be willing to see what happens. It’s a different way of cooking and often times that’s when you learn the most. One of the main objectives I had when I wrote Le Kitchen Cookbook: a Workbook was to give you enough basic knowledge about ingredients, techniques, and flavors that you feel comfortable improvising and are not stuck following a recipe exactly as it is written. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you’ll feel confident enough to take control of your cooking and be able to create something simply when someone like Michael tells you about a great dish he made.
This post was created prior to our site upgrade. Comments at the time of our upgrade included:
Greg February 4, 2022
Would love to try that apple pie recipe – my Dad owned a bakery in New Jersey!
BY the way – on amazon it really doesn’t show the inside of the book – no index,
no recipe -still not too enticing – people want to get an idea of what they are
going to be spending their hard-earned money on – best of luck – cooking
classes a great idea! —Greg
Reply- Thanks Greg, I'll look into fixing it. —Adeline
Did you hear about my OUTRAGEOUS goal?!
Ending one year and starting a new one is an opportunity to think BIG!!!
Here Is What's Happening
I'm excited. I've been working on the video cooking class I'm creating. My good friend Peter Rosen, who is an accomplished video & multimedia Producer/Director, is going to help me make it a reality. We've actually penciled in a few dates on the calendar.
I'm finally making some headway in my Facebook ads class. It is way harder than I expected, but it feels good to finally begin to understand what they are talking about.

Le Kitchen Cookbook
A Workbook
Everything you need to know to be a good cook.
by Adeline M. Olmer
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Could you take a moment to write a review? Your comments really help others
make confident decisions. xox Merci
