The end of the year and the holidays are whizzing by and before 2023 leaves me behind, wondering why I totally missed it, I’ve decided to slow down and enjoy the rest of December and all it has to offer. For my family that includes Christmas Eve and Christmas Day dinners, Mark’s and my 21st wedding anniversary, and saying goodbye to 2023 and our official greeting to 2024 as it makes its entrance.
I hope you will also take the time to enjoy the last few days of this year and remember all it had to offer before imagining what the next one will bring.

But most importantly,
I want to take this moment to thank you for joining me every week on this amazing journey. I am so looking forward to discovering what 2024 has to offer with you.

I'm taking off next week and look forward to seeing you on January 5, 2024!
Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année

Le Kitchen Cookbook
A Workbook
Everything you need to know to be a good cook.
by Adeline M. Olmer
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