I am totally focused on everything that is in front of me, and trust me, it’s thrilling. However the down side is that I have a lot of tasks, all in front of me, all that need to be attended to, all at the same time.
I know the only way to get anything done is by doing it one step at a time. That’s how I wrote Le Kitchen Cookbook: a Workbook; I had no idea what I was doing but somehow one word at a time it came together and I learned how on the way—it still amazes me.
Besides working with Peter Rosen on putting the cooking class together, I found an amazing woman to create a new website. What I have has long needed an update since it was designed when I was still creating fashion. Most exasperating is that it doesn't allow me to respond to any of the blog comments you leave. I’ve always wanted the blog to be a dialogue. The new platform will allow us to talk and you’ll be notified that a comment was left for you.
Since I’m planning on using videos, this new platform will allow me to host the cooking videos we’re creating without having to download applications that may or may not work. And best of all, it will look great; at least that’s the plan.
The other exciting development is that I spoke to an amazing kitchen appliance company about doing cooking demos and classes. I’ll tell you more about it when I know more.
For now, I’d love to hear from you. Let’s start that dialogue. Until I get the new website up and running, I will respond to your comments, but you’ll need to come back to the site to see them.
I have some questions:
Are you happy that spring is almost here? I’m already planning my garden, how about you?
Have you started to cook spring foods? The first day of spring is March 20th.
Do cooking classes interest you? What would you like to learn?
Here is what’s in the works:
The 5 tricks all chef’s use to flavor foods and so should you.
Easy sauces to change what you cook into food that tastes so good you’ll be amazed and thrilled! It still blows my mind when I taste something I’ve made that is as good or better than what I get in a restaurant.
Tell me about you. I’d love to know.
Spring starts March 20. It's time to think about food that is lighter, brighter and lemony.
The lemon mousse recipe on page 303 of Le Kitchen Cookbook: a Workbook is a great way to bring that spark into the season.
If you get the book and have questions with this recipes, feel free to email me. Bon Appétit
This post was created prior to our site upgrade. Comments at the time of our upgrade included:
Arlene Vaquer March 18, 2022
We just started talking about cleaning up our garden from the winter storms. Also discussing planting some different vegetables. I would love to know how to be a ‘neater’ cook and baker. I make such a mess… —Arlene
Reply - March 18, 2022
Arlene, What a great question! I totally understand I was famous for always making a mess when I’d make a meal. Until I discovered a few basic steps that I describe in Le Kitchen Cookbook: a Workbook page 75-76, in particular mise en place. It means putting everything in its place in French. Take all your ingredients, and prepare them before you start cooking. That process changed everything; cooking became easier, my kitchen wasn’t a total mess, and I stopped dreading making dinner. BIG DIFFERENCE!! Thanks for the suggestion. —Adeline
Did you hear about my OUTRAGEOUS goal?!
Ending one year and starting a new one is an opportunity to think BIG!!!

Le Kitchen Cookbook
A Workbook
Everything you need to know to be a good cook.
by Adeline M. Olmer
