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Lemonade made better

Writer's picture: Adeline OlmerAdeline Olmer

Lemonade Is one of my favorite thirst-quenching drinks, especially on those hot days that leave us drained both mentally and physically.

I’ve been taking a shortcut and buying organic lemonade, but I find it too sweet so I dilute it 50/50 with water; it’s good and hits the spot. To jazz it up a bit I added sparkling water and love that combination too.

As I was weeding my herb garden, it occurred to me that my lemonade would be even better if I added some great-smelling leaves into my citrus drink.

I tried lemon verbena and allowed the flavor to merge with the refreshing lemon. The result was delightful.

Once I got started, I had to try other herbs to see what they would impart to the lemonade.

For my little experiment, I took three tall glasses, added a sprig of thyme in one, rosemary in the next, and mint in the last. I filled the glasses with my diluted lemonade and let the herbs infuse the lemon with their aroma. The result was so subtle and delicate, modifying the flavor just enough to make it delicious.

Adding a little gin or vodka and lots of ice will turn it into a great cocktail. When I am in France one of my favorite thirst-quenchers is the combination of beer and carbonated lemonade called a panache.

That’s just the beginning, you could add crushed fresh fruits, raspberries, strawberries, or blueberries. Freeze them and let them thaw as you drink your glass of lemonade.




This post was created prior to our site upgrade. Comments at the time of our upgrade included:

Lorraine July 14, 2021

Sounds fabulous! I also like lavender in my lemonade. —Lorraine

Judy Taussik July 14, 2021

Can’t wait to sit in a cafe in France and enjoy another panache with you ! —Arlene

Reply: Lorraine, love the idea of adding lavender to a pitcher of lemonade. Thanks for the suggestion!

Judy, I can’t wait either! Actually, I think you are the one that introduced me to panache!

Merci! —Adeline


Bon Appétit


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