Isolation changed our lives. Getting back our liberty has felt amazing but there are two things I adopted during COVID that I’m not willing to give up.
The first was to get into the kitchen and start cooking truly good healthy meals. The other was the ability to assemble without being in the same room. Thanks to companies like Zoom it no longer mattered if we were close, across the country, or on the other side of the world; we could be together.
Bringing Zoom into the kitchen has been a great way to cook together.
Sunday afternoons, have become a time when I get out my computer, pour a glass of wine and meet you on Zoom to show you how to cook a great recipe. Not only is it fun, but at the end of the class everyone has a finished dish that’s ready to eat.
Every time I teach a class, I learn something. Last Sunday, we made a large pot of scrumptious lentil soup. Since the ingredients are the lifeblood of the food we create, I wanted to know more about lentils.
Here are some impressive facts:
· Lentils were first grown in the Middle East in 8,000 B.C.
· Were brought to America in the early 16th century
· They are a grain/legume
· High in protein
· Low in fat
· High in fiber
· Low in sodium
· Gluten free
· Anti-inflammatory
They are said to:
· Lower cholesterol
· Help your digestive system
· Lower your blood pressure
· Lower blood sugar
· Help with heart disease
· When they are combined with a whole grain like brown rice, they will give you as much protein as a serving of red meat, and they’re much better for your health and your wallet.
I knew that lentils could be sprouted but I didn’t know how easy it is to do.

Sprouted Lentils
1 clear glass jar, about 34 ounces
½ cup brown lentils
1 piece of cheesecloth large enough to cover the top
1 rubber band to hold the cheesecloth to the rim of the jar
Rinse ½ cup of lentils to remove any dirt or particles that may be there.
Place the lentils in the jar and add 2 cups of room-temperature water.
Cover the jar with cheesecloth secured with a rubber band around rim of the jar. Lentils need to breathe.
Place on your counter in a bright area but not in direct sunlight.
Soak overnight or at least 8 hours. They will expand.
Rinse the lentils well and place them back into the jar without water, replace the cheesecloth.
Twice a day rinse the lentils and drain well before placing them back in the jar.
They will take 2 to 3 days to sprout to ½ to 2” long.
When they are ready, rinse them well, and drain before spreading them evenly on a clean, dry dish towel for 1 to 1½ hours.
Store in a covered container with a paper towel on the bottom and also on top.
They will last 7 days in your refrigerator.
Sprout lentils in a humid environment.
Store them in your refrigerator in a dry container.
Sprouted lentils are delicious. They have a nice crunch that is perfect on salads and sandwiches.
And what a great way to eat well!
the upcoming live online cooking classes
Join me:
Rustic Caramel Apple Pie
I'll show you how easy it is to make your own flaky pie crust!
Sunday, February 5
4 pm ET
$10.00 per household
Quiche Lorraine
This is my quiche recipe—it's really good!
It starts with pie crust, don't worry it's really easy.
Vegetarian? I'll send you the recipe with meat substitutes.
Sunday, February 19,
4 pm ET
$10.00 per household
Lentil Soup
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Coming Soon
Make GREAT Chili
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Some interesting facts you should know. . .
If you can't attend in person, no problem, sign up and we will send you the video.
You're vegetarian? sign up and I'll send you the recipe with meat substitutes.
Want to gather with your friends?
They don’t have to live next to you; meet them on Zoom, I'll help you choose the recipes, then gather on Zoom and learn to cook together.
I look forward to seeing you on Sundays :)
GET Everything you need to know to be a good cook.

Le Kitchen Cookbook
A Workbook
by Adeline M. Olmer
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Bon Appétit
I had a great time during both the chili class and the lentil soup class. Although both of these are on my "go-to" comfort food list, I learned some interesting twists to both dishes...and I have to admit that your lentil soup recipe is better than my mother's!
Looking forward to the Quiche Lorraine class!!